Expert Network Team

Almost All In

Episode Summary

Today the experts talk back to the guys in the All In podcast. All In is one of the most popular podcasts in America The four hosts are each successful big, technology business founders, funders, and executives in California. Our perspective is from the POV of small business owners in Colorado, and we think a lot more people think more like we do. Decide for yourself. In the All In Podcast number 175, they discuss topics that affect small business owners. First on the docket, a tax increase which is being ignored by many people but could hurt a lot of companies, particularly small technology companies. Next, we give our take on the firings of 28 Google employees who are protesting their employer’s involvement with Israel. Are they just entitled and naive? Nate takes us on a tour of Mideast history and we take issue with one of the points made in All In, which is that maybe Gaza is to Israel as the 1960’s and 70’s Vietnam War was to the USA. We respectfully disagree.