Expert Network Team

Episode 43: Two Ways to Get Free Money from Colorado to Pay for College and Other Hacks

Episode Summary

Special guest Cameron Morgan joins Karl Frank, CFP, Jeff Krommendyk, Mike Miller, CPA and Nathan Merrill and gain a couple of great ideas to save money, or just plain old get free money, to pay for college. Colorado families lose the unlimited State income tax deduction for contributions to 529 plans in 2021. However, there are two little-known secret ways to get free money from the State of Colorado to help pay for college. One helps parents and grandparents with younger age kids or grandkids, and the other helps pay for kids already in college. First, learn about the $1,000 matching grant from Colorado for kids 8 and under. Learn how this can become up to $5,000! Second, learn about a $2,000 annual scholarship for current college students. This can be repeated up to four times, for a total $8,000 possible gift! Here is the link for the scholarship Cameron discusses during the podcast: Learn more about Cameron’s free consultation on the website here: