Karl Frank, CFP, Jeff Krommendyk and Nathan Merrill continue to interview Shawn Barberis, JD, who is an expert on facilitating important family conversations about legacy.
Karl Frank, CFP, Jeff Krommendyk and Nathan Merrill continue to interview Shawn Barberis, JD, who is an expert on facilitating important family conversations about legacy. Legacy is often discussed but rarely acted upon. Shawn shares some of the history of legacy conversations:
Shawn shares practical advice and offers a way to facilitate communications about the topics that are most important to many people. What does this money mean? What stories do you want to share? What are the values?
By creating a shared values list, Shawn’s team helps families create a family values mission statement. And make sure to listen to the end of the podcast when we discuss how Shawn can help disinterested, intimidated (bored?) new generations get interested, involved and feel like they are making a difference. He also offers advice about how to get an older patriarch who wants to maintain control involved, and willing to be vulnerable.
Learn more about Shawn and his company, More than Money 360, at his website, www.morethanmoney360.com , or email him at shawn@mtm360.com. Make sure to schedule a free discovery meeting, here: https://www.assetsandincome.com/our-process-our-promise/